Closed due to covid 19
Unfortunately, our showroom is currently closed due to current Covid 19 government guidelines. We continue to work remotely on our Poggenpohl kitchen designs and would be delighted to discuss your project. Please feel free to contact us by email or call us on 01414734493
Look forward to welcoming you all back very soon.
Reopening after Covid-19
Great news – We are reopening after covid-19 – Saturday 20th June
We look forward to welcoming back all clients and future clients to our showroom. In light of recent Covid-19 events, we will of course be following social distancing guidelines to keep you and our staff safe.
Social Distancing Guidelines:
-No More than 2 couples within the showroom at one time.
-Use hand sanitizer at designated stations throughout the showroom on arrival.
-You will be required to wear gloves to handle samples and kitchen displays.
-We will clean the showroom thoroughly between appointments.
-If you are experiencing Covid-19 related symptoms, we ask that you visit us another time when you are symptom free.
If you would like to make an appointment in advance,
please call 0141 473 4493.

Official opening night
Guy Cowan, @guyforallseasons chef and owner formally Guys Restaurant in Glasgow served up delicious food. Jehad Hatu from @GruntingGrowler provided artisan beer tasting, wine flowed supplied by @Marchtownglasgow
All with the support of our partners @poggenpohlUK @miele_gb @boracookingsystems